23rd ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group Meeting


The 23rd ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group Meeting (23rd MTWG) was held on 19 -21 March 2012 in Yangon, Myanmar. Some 50 delegates from ASEAN countries, dialogue partners and maritime associations’ representatives have congregate in Yangon for three days for the 23rd ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group (MTWG) 2012.

The meeting discussed the development of several projects under the Roadmap towards an Integrated and Competitive Maritime Transport in ASEAN and the Brunei Action Plan (ASEAN Strategic Transport Plan) 2011-2015. Both the Roadmap and Action Plan of Brunei among others aimed to establish more efficient and competitive regional maritime transport sector and to provides guidelines on navigation and maritime safety and marine environmental protection for the ASEAN countries.

Malaysia acts as the Lead Country Coordinator of three of the 19 measures introduced under Roadmap towards an Integrated and Competitive Maritime Transport in ASEAN through Ministry of Transport, Malaysia (MOT). MOT has officially appointed APA Malaysia to lead one of the projects under MTG-2; MTA-7; No.1: “Formulate training program to enhance capability of port personnel by 2015”. Representatives from APA Malaysia presented an information paper for this project in the meeting.
The hosting of the MTWG is based on a rotation system among ASEAN members and each country will be hosting it for two years. Malaysia was the host for 2010-2011 and subsequently Myanmar for 2012-2013.

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