CM: Melaka to focus on port development

MELAKA: The Malay Sultanate once thrived because of Melaka’s strategic position and well-known port, as such Chief Minister Adly Zahari (pic) is determined to restore the sector as a major economic contributor to the state.

He said in making this a reality, Melaka has to plan the development of a sustainable port and the first step towards this direction would be to focus on the development of three ports namely Port of Malacca Gateway, Port of Tanjung Bruas and Port of Kuala Linggi.

He said the focus on these three major ports compared with nine by the previous government, would accord more attention on their development, thereby accelerating the economic growth in the state.

“Given this focus, including monitoring the ports’ development, we can speed up the process of approval, changes to the site where land reclamation is taking place and proper distribution between the state government and concessionaires involved in the development of a particular coast.

“This is a time consuming process, (if there are too many port projects) then the projects’ progress will slow down, we will try to shorten it,” Adly told Bernama.

He said the development of Port of Melaka Gateway, once completed, would focus on generating the economy through tourism while the Port of Tanjung Bruas would contribute by way of being a container port handling transportation operations.

The chief minister said Kuala Linggi Port has been identified as having the potential to be developed intoan international port, as in the past, it has generated RM50mil in revenue, annually, for the state government.

“We will hold discussions with Negri Sembilan on the issue of borders. We believe once the Kuala Linggi Port is developed, Port Dickson will flourish in terms of providing income opportunities while Kuala Linggi will develop as meeting industry requirements,” he said.

As for revenue expected to be generated by the three ports, Adly said the potential was still being assessed and would be announced once the evaluation process for the ports are finalised.

Commenting on the cost to be borne by the state government to develop the ports, he said it involved foreign investors and the state government which was involved with land and reclamation ground.

“The Tanjung Bruas Port project involved many local companies, the development of Kuala Linggi Port is open for bidding to various parties while the reclamation work for the Melaka Gateway Port project will be jointly undertaken by KAJ Development Sdn Bhd and foreign investors.” — Bernama

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