Forging Malaysian Ports’ Business Synergies

“THE PORT FACTOR – Chairman Message”

Capt. Abdul Rahim Akob, General Manager of Bintulu Port Authority & Chairman of MAPA

Forging Malaysian Ports’ Business Synergies

I’m delighted to announce the inaugural issue of “The Port Factor”, an offical publication of the Asean Ports
Association Malaysia (MAPA). The newsletter is aimed to stimulate interest and to keep readers abreast with
the Malaysian ports and shipping industry such as port management and operations, port planning and development, marketing, training, technology, safety and security, ships and cargo handling.

Asean Ports Association Malaysia (MAPA) was formed some years ago and was subsequently registered under the acronym MAPA as a non-governmental association early this year, comprising of founding members from a total of 17 Malaysian port authorities and operators. MAPA’s primary objectives are two-pronged i.e. to give ports in Malaysia with a vehicle for national cooperation in port development, operations and management, and to promote and protect the interests of member ports.

MAPA is to specifically promote the exchange of data and information on shipping and cargo traffic amongst Malaysian ports, cooperation in port operations and management, develop and maintain close relationship with other regional or national ports associations or international port related associations, and to undertake other activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the said objectives.

Ports in Malaysia have become an important crux in forging economic and business networks and alliances between Malaysia and developing countries. Business networking are becoming essential strategies for Malaysian ports as the process of globalisation and market liberation pose both challenges and opportunities for the nation and for business community. The port sector has always played a major role in the development of national economies. The attractiveness of ports is no longer based on strategic location but on the provision of efficient and prompt services, excellent land infrastructure and sea transport networks. Ports have become commercial centres and manufacturing gateways.

In this respect, MAPA is working in tandem with the developments in Malaysia’s external trade and new economic linkages. Ports are potential investment destinations, either to set up manufacturing projects or other business establishments. Thus being an effective vehicle, MAPA’s outreach will be more extensive and in this process shall be forging synergistic collaboration with trade associations and business councils in order to facilitate information exchange, commercialisation, building a more cohesive partnership and business networking. These will directly contribute not only cargo growth amongst Malaysian ports but industrial developments as well.

Nevertheless, MAPAwill harness our collective creativity, forging ahead with market-driven visions and charting roadmaps for developing, promoting and enhancing Malaysian ports capacities and capabilities in expanding opportunities and building business synergies. Ports will be growing in size and complexity of businesses, and one important asset that needs to be nurtured and enhanced will be the human resource. Ports need to share and improve its human resources and must continuously be at the forefront in its practices particularly when competing globally. This is where I hope that it could be the binding force to forge a strong and successful grouping.

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