pkaAs part of the broadening relationship between Malaysia and Kenya, a sister-port agreement was signed between Kenya Ports Authority  and Port Klang Authority.  To further enhance the traditional relationship and mutual understanding between both the port authorities as well as Port Klang Operators in Malaysia and Mombasa Port of Kenya.  The sister-port agreement signed on 27th November 2006 was witnessed by General (Rtd) J.R.E. Kibwana, Chairman Kenya Ports Authority.  Port Klang Authority was represented by Y.B. Dato’ Yap Pian Hon, Chairman and Y.Bhg. Datin Paduka O.C. Phang, General Manager whilst Kenya Ports Authority was represented by Mr Abdallah Hemed Mwaruma, Managing Director and the Corporation Secretary.

The establishment of a sister-port agreement was initially mooted during the 5th Pan African Ports Conference and the International Association of Ports Harbours (IAPH) Europe/Africa Regional Meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya from 4th – 8th December 2005.  Based on the agreement, both ports have agreed to co-operate in a wide variety of fields, especially on port studies, staff training, information exchange and more importantly finding ways to develop mutually beneficial cargo and cargo traffic services between the two ports, in particular and the countries in general.

The sister-ports agreement strengthens the existing traditional friendship and mutual understanding between the people of Kenya and Malaysia and this relationship is in line with the South-South Co-operation initiated by the Malaysian Government of which Port Klang Authority is a member. Besides that the Kenya High Commission also played a vital role in the formation of this relationship through an active pursuance of ensuring the agreement materialized soonest possible.

This sister-port agreement could provide a good platform for enhancing Port Klang’s efforts in tandem with the government’s aspiration to develop business relationships between the two countries as an extension of the well established government-to government relations. South-south co-operation enhance and facilitate trade and investment linkages among developing countries. In this regard, Malaysia and Africa see economic progress as best attained through fair trade, rather than aid.

In the year 2005, Port Klang handled a total of 117412 FWT of cargo throughput from trade with Kenya. The signing of the sister-port agreement is a significant step for Port Klang as it opens up to closer relationship with East-African Ports. The Port Of Mombasa in Kenya positioned as the gateway to Eastern Africa, will provide Port Klang and Malaysia the platform to penetrate and explore new markets, especially among the countries in Eastern Africa such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania. With this sister-port agreement, Port Klang is confident that there will be a tremendous trade development and improvements with Kenya.

A sister-port agreement between these ports provides new avenues for smart partnership arrangement to foster mutual co-operation. This is the beginning of a new era of co-operation which will not only benefit both countries but help to bring the Asian region close to the African Continent.

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