Posted on 18 April 2012. Tags: Asean Countries, Asean Members, Brunei, Country Coordinator, Delegates, Dialogue Partners, Environmental Protection, Information Paper, Maritime Associations, Maritime Safety, Maritime Transport, Ministry Of Transport, Ministry Of Transport Malaysia, Mtg, Roadmap, Rotation System, Transport Plan, Transport Sector, Transport Working Group, Yangon Myanmar

The 23rd ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group Meeting (23rd MTWG) was held on 19 -21 March 2012 in Yangon, Myanmar. Some 50 delegates from ASEAN countries, dialogue partners and maritime associations’ representatives have congregate in Yangon for three days for the 23rd ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group (MTWG) 2012.
The meeting discussed the development of several projects under the Roadmap towards an Integrated and Competitive Maritime Transport in ASEAN and the Brunei Action Plan (ASEAN Strategic Transport Plan) 2011-2015. Both the Roadmap and Action Plan of Brunei among others aimed to establish more efficient and competitive regional maritime transport sector and to provides guidelines on navigation and maritime safety and marine environmental protection for the ASEAN countries.
Malaysia acts as the Lead Country Coordinator of three of the 19 measures introduced under Roadmap towards an Integrated and Competitive Maritime Transport in ASEAN through Ministry of Transport, Malaysia (MOT). MOT has officially appointed APA Malaysia to lead one of the projects under MTG-2; MTA-7; No.1: “Formulate training program to enhance capability of port personnel by 2015”. Representatives from APA Malaysia presented an information paper for this project in the meeting.
The hosting of the MTWG is based on a rotation system among ASEAN members and each country will be hosting it for two years. Malaysia was the host for 2010-2011 and subsequently Myanmar for 2012-2013.
Posted in News & Events
Posted on 01 March 2012. Tags: Action Plan, Apa, Asean, Atap, Bap, Brunei, Capability, Cooperation, East Asia, Economic Research Institute, Eria, Initiatives, Maritime Transport, Member States, Mtg, Next Five Years, Ports, Refe, Three Main Sectors, Transport Action, Transport Facilitation, Transport Plan, Transport Working Group
ASEAN Strategic Transport Plan (ASTP) 2011 -2015, aka Brunei Action Plan (BAP) 2011-2015 is a successor to ASEAN Transport Action Plan (ATAP) which expired in 2010. “Brunei Action Plan” (BAP) was presented and adopted during the 16th ASEAN Transport Meeting in November 2010. It was discuss at the 21st Maritime Transport Working Group (MTWG), March 2011 at Kota Kinabalu for the first time.
BAP is one of the initiatives to provide reference in guiding ASEAN Transport Cooperation and integration in the next five years. It covers three main sectors land, air, and maritime transport, and transport facilitation.
BAP was formulated, prepared and submitted by Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Study Team.
In the 21st ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group Meeting (AMTWG), Malaysia was appointed as the lead country for MTG-2 MTA7 No.1 “FORMULATE TRAINING PROGRAM TO ENHANCE CAPABILITY OF PORT PERSONNEL BY 2012”.
With this appointment Malaysia has to come up with the best standardized training program that can be used by ASEAN ports as a guideline to their training program to enhance capability of port personnel.
In order to develop the program that suit the needs of, and compatible with the culture in ports of ASEAN, Malaysia, is seeking the cooperation of ASEAN member states, through the channel of the ASEAN Ports Association (APA) Malaysia, to provide feedback and share any useful information pertaining the existing reputable training program(s) for port personnel that the port has, or any information or documentation that the port feels necessary and significant to share among ASEAN member states.
Any information shared thought this survey page will be kept and used as reference by Malaysia for the purpose of project mentioned above. The developed training program then will be presented in the future ASEAN MTWG meeting; open for comments and will be adopted as official reference for ASEAN member states.
Thank you for your time in completing this survey. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.
Posted in MAPA