Posted on 16 January 2010. Tags: Container Terminal, Containers, Crane, Cranes, Datuk Seri, Economic Downturn, Expansion Plans, Foot Equivalent Units, Four Months, Hilmi, New Projects, Penang, Post Panamax, Ppsb, Productivity, Sdn Bhd, Shipping Companies, Target, Terminal Operator, Yahaya
Terminal operator Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) plans to boost productivity this year, newly appointed chairman Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya said yesterday.
Although shipping companies and ports were hit hard by the global economic downturn, Penang Port’s volume rose 3 per cent in 2009.
In a statement issued yesterday, Dr Hilmi said in 2009, Penang Port handled a total of 958,476 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) compared with 929,639 TEUs in 2008.
“Our main priorities now are to continually improve our productivity, provide a range of diverse supporting port services and monitor our expansion plans in great detail”, he said.
PPSB has embarked on several key projects.
“The first phase in the expansion of dedicated container terminal will include a new 600m wharf extension to the existing 900 metre wharf, with new decking area for export container. A third access bridge is under construction. Simultaneously, for the second part of this project, a new back decking area will be built parallel to the existing 900m wharf.”
Construction for this project is 65 per cent done and four months ahead of schedule.
To complement the expansion, Penang Port has taken delivery of seven Post-Panamax cranes, each costing RM25 million.
While four of the cranes were delivered in November 2009, Dr Hilmi said the remainder arrived last month.
“A Post-Panamax crane,” Dr Hilmi noted, “can reach 16 rows of containers on board the ship. The new cranes with its twin-lift capabilities will speed up handling operations as it can pick up two containers at a time.
“With these new projects, productivity at the port will be enhanced with a new target of crane productivity at more than 25 TEUs moves per hour.”
Posted on 25 November 2009. Tags: Chief Minister, Container Terminal, Container Vessels, Environmental Requirements, Guan, Lim Guan Eng, Merchant Ships, Ninth Malaysia Plan, Penang, Port Management, Port Operator, Port Users, Sdn Bhd, Shipping Companies, Shipping Lines, Shipping Services, Smooth Sailing, State Economy, Yardstick
PENANG: Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB), the port operator, has invested RM1.1 billion over the last five years to upgrade infrastructures at the port and Container Terminal as part of initiatives to pump-prime the state economy, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said on Wednesday.
He said the huge investment had indirectly bolstered operations of the port and the terminal, key revenue contributors to the state economy.
Continuous upgrading of infrastructures at the Penang Port and Container Terminal is to provide shipping companies and other port users user-friendly facilities, a crucial element to woo more shipping lines and container vessels to the port and the terminal, he told reporters after a briefing by the port management on Wednesday.
To realise Penang Port’s mission to provide world-class shipping services, Guan Eng said the port’s latest and efficient logistics would be the yardstick to increase the number of merchant ships and containers anchoring at the port.
The Chief Minister also called on the Federal Government to re-start the RM353 million project to deepen the North Channel at Penang Port to facilitate smooth sailing-in of container vessels.
“If the deepening work is not done in compliance with environmental requirements, it will harm plans to turn Penang into a green state,” he said.
He also hoped projects promised for Penang under the current Ninth Malaysia Plan but have not been implemented due to various reasons would be carried forward to the 10th Malaysia Plan. – Bernama
Posted on 16 November 2009. Tags: Datuk Seri, Foreign Investments, International Maritime, International Ship, International Ships, Labuan, Majority Share, Malaysia International, Malaysian Waters, Malaysians, Maritime Industry, Minister Of Transport, Sea Services, Seamen, Services Infrastructure, Share Holder, Ship Registry, Shipping Community, Shipping Companies, Ships Registry
THERE are many ships are operating in Malaysian waters but few of them are owned by Malaysians and this needs to be addressed, said Minister of Transport Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
To increase the registration of Malaysian ships, there is a need to ensure that the aspects of development and sea services infrastructure are implemented holistically, sustainably and well planned, he said. “We must be able to compete internationally,” he said.
Towards this, the Malaysia International Ship Registry (MISR), a body for the registering of international ships, has given an alternative option to the shipping community as a whole, he said.
Today, the MISR registered the first Malaysian international ship, “PUTERISIME 786” under its list in the Labuan Registry Port.
The MISR has been established to encourage individual and foreign shipping companies to register their ships in Malaysia without having to comply with the requirement of Malaysian majority share holder, he said at the registration of PUTERISME 786 in Labuan on Saturday.
The MISR would enable the placing Malaysia on the international maritime map.
“I am also fully confident that the MISR will be able to stimulate the shipping economic activities in the country,” Ong said.
Under the ship registry, foreigners are allowed to hold 100 per cent equity in line with the government’s effort to encourage foreign investments in the country.
With the registration of international ships, it would help increase the ships registry capacity and that to be able to handle the country’s transportation trade.
“This would in turn help to develop the maritime industry and create employment opportunities to graduates and Malaysian seamen, be it on ships or with shipping companies,” he said.
Ong said the government would also ensure the registry package is attractive from its company registration composition as well as financing of owning fund
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Posted on 31 January 2009. Tags: Container Ports, Economic Downturn, Economy Shifts, Effective Services, Efficiency Levels, Expansions, Heavyweights, Line Operators, Maritime Institute, Northport, Port Infrastructure, Port Of Tanjung Pelepas, Port Operators, Ports In Malaysia, Seaborne Trade, Shanghai Port, Shipping Companies, Shipping Industry, Singapore Port, Slowdown
AS the economy shifts to a lower gear, it may be the right time for the local port industry to focus on improving infrastructure and raising efficiency levels.
This will enable port operators to provide cost-effective services to customers in the near term while ensuring that when the world trade picks up, they are able to seize the opportunities in the longer term.
In recent years, major ports in Malaysia have utilised almost full capacity to cater to the booming business, which in turn has prompted them to embark on major expansions.

According to Malaysia’s Maritime Institute senior fellow Nazery Khalid, it is crucial for local ports to continually improve their infrastructure, efficiency, productivity and performance to offer customers value for money, especially in this climate that is proving to be extremely challenging for the shipping industry.
“Unlike Westports, Northport and Port of Tanjung Pelepas, which are on par with the world’s best container ports, there are some other local ports that can improve their services.
“The other local ports must benchmark themselves against regional heavyweights like the Singapore Port, Shanghai Port and Hong Kong Port which are among the world’s top five container ports in terms of volume.
“Malaysian ports can certainly improve on many fronts to enhance their competitiveness to attract more main-line operators (shipping companies) to call at their terminals,” he adds.
He suggests that port operators thoroughly assess their current positions and chart their next course of action to weather the global economic downturn.
“Amid the economic and seaborne trade slowdown, port operators must plan their resources meticulously and find ways to harness their strengths to place themselves on a stronger platform.
“Now is the time to identify areas of weaknesses which they may have overlooked during busier times,” Nazery says.
As the most cost-efficient mode of trade transport, where 90% of goods are transported via sea, the shipping industry is vulnerable to any slowdown in the world economies against a backdrop of declining trade volume.
On the flip side, it is also well positioned to benefit from the up-tick in economic activity.