Union likes standardised rates at Port Klang

PORT KLANG: The implementation of standardised rates for lashing and unlashing services at Port Klang will help attract more local workers and curb the unhealthy trend of undercutting by contractors, according to the Union of Employees of Port Ancillary Services Suppliers.

Its secretary, A. Balasubramaniam, said the new rate of RM4 per container came into effect last month.He said that in the past, contractors would undercut each other, charging RM3.20 per container, which was detrimental to workers as their salaries were based on the number of containers they handled each day.

Balasubramaniam, who is also Malaysian Trades Union Congress vice-president, said the low rates resulted in many locals leaving their jobs, which were filled by foreigners. Currently, there are about eight contractors and 700 workers, mostly Bangladesh and Myanmar nationals, involved in lashing and unlashing services at the port.

It takes around 25 workers about eight hours to lash and unlash a container vessel with 300 containers.

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